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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Underworld by Don DeLillo

At first glance, this book looks like every other 9/11 book with its cover of the Twin Towers enshrouded in smoke while the second plane approaches, the cross of a NYC cathedral in the foreground. Jesus H. Christ that’s some heavy handed Photoshopping! I automatically assumed that Don DeLillo must be a former speech writer of George W. Bush or perhaps a news desk editor for FOX News, but then I got to thinking. What if this book came out before 9/11? After all, I was standing there looking at it in the book section of my local Salvation Army.

I squinted harder and held the book with both hands. I then realized that the approaching object isn't a plane but a bird and that the smoke isn't smoldering jet fuel but fog. This DeLillo guy must be some kind of prophet. At the bottom of the cover it says that he is also the author of Libra and White Noise. I am not a big fan of astrology and I am not so shallow as to judge White Noise on Michael Keaton's sub par performance in the film adaptation. Judging a book by its cover requires an observant mind. Judging one by its film is intellectually lazy.

DeLillo is an Italian surname thus the title Underworld must imply some sort of mafia plot. Given that it's published by Scribner (a fancy pants, artsy fartsy publishing house), the book is probably some high brow, conspiracy theory narrative that ties the Gambino crime family to 9/11. At least three inches thick, there's got to be more to the novel than a bunch of guineas strong-arming stock brokers. The religious cross in the foreground hints at a potential Catholic priest molestation subplot. I am sensing that the book is an Oliver Stone/Da Vinci Code hybrid. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Underworld has won the Pulitzer. Therefore, this book is definitely worth picking up and looking at. In fact, if you're only going to look at one book in your entire lifetime, I would say let it be this one.

Here's my reasoning. I have a friend with an MFA in poetry. He wears $150 flannel shirts and has two beards. Whenever I question him on the importance of literature, he responds with some quote about writers being the antennae of the race. If I had to guess, I'd say he probably lifted the quote from someone much smarter than himself. Anyway, DeLillo certainly fits this category. I would even go so far as to say that the prophetic symbolism of its cover makes Underworld worth actually buying. It just might be the most significant book cover of the twentieth century.


  1. Got to jump in with a 'here here'-- both on the Most Significant Book Jacket and the If You Read Only One Book front. If buried in a casket with only one book, this one would keep you entertained. And yes, DeLillo among his other talents has spooky predictive powers (see also WHITE NOISE which basically predicted the drift of the last couple decades...)

  2. PS for future reference for your site: a brilliant friend just had his book listed as one of Huff Post's Best Book Covers of the year; see:
    EXTRAORDINARY RENDITIONS by Andrew Ervin from Coffeehouse Press this year...

  3. Thanks, Elizabeth. I will definitely take a look at Ervin's book to see if it warrants a closer look.

  4. Following your lead, I didn't really read your "review" of each book, I just glanced at the heading and skimmed. It was immediately apparent that you haven't the intellect or wit to pull off this idea. In the hands of a person with a fully developed adult sense of humor it could have been funny, but alas, it wasn't.
    In the future, you should confine your lackluster, internet-inspired musings to an occasional brainless comment on NESurf.
    I think we might all develop a higher opinion of you if you chose to do so.
